
Everything you need to know about ticketing!

We hope you are as excited as we are for SideBurn! We bet you’re wondering how to get a ticket. There are three ways to get tickets – staff tickets, theme camp/art grant tickets, and general sale. We’ll focus on general sales because most people get tickets that way and because if you’re one of the other two, you’ll be told individually what you have to do to get your ticket.

Important: Our general ticket sale is NOT first-come, first-serve. We do this to make the system a bit more fair and accessible (for example, if you work when the tickets went on sale, you might miss out), and it also reduces strain on our ticketing system by spreading out our busy times.

Let’s get started!

Step 1: Creating a Ticketing Account

To get tickets for our general sale, you need to create an account on our ticketing portal. If you’re new, sign up for an account, but if you bought a ticket last year, your account has already been created, and you should use your previous account.

Please don’t create multiple accounts with different email addresses! If we see multiple accounts with the same legal name, we assume you’re trying to double your chances for a ticket, and we may delete the account.

If you have problems with your account, email, and we’ll help you out right away. Password reset can help if you’re locked out.

Login or Create an Account

Step 2: Register for the General Sale

During our general sale registration period, between March 8-15 inclusive, you can log into the ticketing portal, and you’ll see a button that says “Register here”. Click that button to add yourself to the general sale tickets list.

On March 17th, we’ll shuffle all the names on that list into a random order and send out ticket offers.

Step 3: Buying Your Ticket – Ticket Offers

Each ticket offer will be sent to your email and is only valid for 72 hours, so don’t delay if you get one!

If you miss your offer window, you can add yourself back to the waiting list. Your name will be re-added at the back of the queue if you’re still interested in a ticket.

🏷️ Pricing

This year, tickets are:

  • All attendees aged 18 and over: $150 + fees
  • Minors aged 13-17: $75 + fees
  • Children aged 12 and under: Free (a ticket is still required)

A small fee will be added to ticket costs for payment processing.

Learn More

🤔 What happens if you don’t register by March 15th?

Don’t worry! If you log into the ticketing portal after the registration period, click the “Register Here”, button and add yourself to the list. You’ll be dropped into the queue behind everyone who registered during the registration period. There’s still a very strong chance you’ll get a ticket as people cancel and more tickets are added to the pool. You can join the waiting list until May 7, and we’ll keep sending out offers until that evening.

❌ Cancellations and Refunds

You can cancel your ticket anytime before 6 PM on May 7. This is the last time your cancelled ticket can be offered to another SideBurner. You can cancel your ticket and receive a refund by logging into the portal and pressing “change my order” at the top.

❤️ SideBurn’s Equity Program: Making Participation Accessible for All

Concerned about participation barriers in attending this year’s SideBurn? Our Equity Program offers two streams of support for ticketing and participation, and we’re now accepting applications!

  • Reduced-cost: 75% discount for those facing financial hardship
  • Equity Assist: Guaranteed second ticket for a caregiver assisting with daily living

Applications close May 6th 2025. For any further information or accessibility requests, email

Learn More

🔥 Need more information?

Lots more ticketing info is available on our ticketing website, including anything you need to know about vehicle passes, minor tickets, RV passes and more.

Read all that and still have questions? Email to talk to a member of our team!

Photo credit: Header image by Captured by Caro, used with permission.
Land Acknowledgement
We gather for SideBurn on the traditional territories of the Haudenosaunee, the Anishinaabe, the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte, the Huron-Wendat, the Mississaugas, and other Indigenous peoples from across Turtle Island. We are grateful to have the opportunity to work and build community on this land.